Bryan Gilvesy


Bryan Gilvesy has led development of the ALUS program since 2006. He is a champion for progressive, sustainable farming and ranching, having embraced these methods on his own farm, Y U Ranch, which has been producing grass-fed beef in Ontario’s Norfolk County since 1979. Bryan holds a degree from the Ivey School of Business at Western University, where he is also the Executive in Residence for Agriculture and Sustainability, and received many awards, including the Canadian Farmer-Rancher Pollinator Award, the Canadian Agri-Food Award of Excellence for Environmental Stewardship, the Beef Farmers of Ontario Environmental Stewardship Award, the Premier’s Award for Agricultural Innovation, and the Ontario Environment Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence. His appointments have included the Ministers Species at Risk Advisory Council and the Ontario Bobolink Roundtable.

Speaker Sessions

A Whole-of-Society Approach: Driving Transformational Change for Economy and Nature

  • Restoring and Protecting Nature
  • Innovation, Technology and Deployment
  • Government Policy and Corporate Governance
  • Circular Practices and Business Models
Session Date
Wednesday, Feb 14 2024 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Holly McHugh VP of Sustainability and Social Impact, Mejuri
Garry Merkel Independent Mentor, Coach, Facilitator and Advisor
Jennifer Psyllakis Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, Government of British Columbia
In collaboration with