Montreal’s acclaimed Porte Parole Productions brings its immersive documentary performance The Assembly – Energy in Canada to GLOBExCHANGE for a unique presentation and candid conversation about Canada’s energy transition.
Since 2017 Porte Parole has been commissioned by presenters in Canada, the US, Germany, Brazil and Lithuania to create new Assembly editions. Over a meal, four people openly discuss the issues dividing them. The conversation is audio recorded, and with the verbatim transcripts, playwrights Alex Ivanovici, Annabel Soutar and Brett Watson edit a unique script specific to each region.
GLOBE Series is thrilled to host a Canadian Club Toronto event at GLOBExCHANGE 2025. Taking place at 7:15 am on February 11, 2025, at the Sheraton Toronto Centre Hotel, this breakfast session will include an armchair dialogue and allow Canadian Club members and guests along with selected GLOBExCHANGE attendees to network with sustainability leaders. As Canada’s preeminent public affairs destination, Canadian Club Toronto is proud to leverage its bold legacy of connecting Canadians with world-class leaders and newsmakers on the issues that matter most.