GLOBE Series and The Delphi Group Partner with CBSR to Accelerate Canadian Corporate Sustainability Leadership

VANCOUVER, February 12, 2020 – Today the constellation of organizations that includes GLOBE Series, The Delphi Group, EXCEL Partnership and Leading Change Canada, with Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR), announced they are entering into a partnership that will consolidate and accelerate corporate sustainability leadership in Canada.
On behalf of the CBSR board, The Delphi Group and GLOBE Series will deliver CBSR programs and platforms and provide CBSR’s member network with access to additional resources and opportunities. CBSR’s Education Foundation, which conducts research into important issues for corporate sustainability leaders, will continue to operate independently under CBSR’s board. CBSR’s Executive Director will continue in his current role and be accountable to the CBSR board as well as to Ted Ferguson, President of The Delphi Group.
The combined members of CBSR and the EXCEL corporate learning partnership will benefit from closer alignment and more programming options. Both EXCEL and CBSR have been in existence for over 25 years, and their membership includes many of Canada’s top corporations who are leading on climate and sustainability issues, such as RBC, Maple Leaf Foods, Enbridge and CN. This partnership will make for an even larger and unified Canadian network on business and sustainability.
“We’re excited to welcome CBSR into our constellation of organizations. Collaboration between EXCEL and CBSR will bring greater value to our partners and supercharge our ambition to grow Canada’s clean economy.” – Mike Gerbis, executive in charge of the constellation of organizations that includes The Delphi Group, GLOBE Series, EXCEL Partnership, and Leading Change Canada
“This new partnership provides greater capacity for us to reach our full potential and provide more programming options for our members. Joining the GLOBE constellation helps us better demonstrate how doing business like a Canadian means not only being the best in the world, but also best for the world. – Leor Rotchild, Executive Director of CBSR
“This is an amazing opportunity to grow a national network of business leaders committed to making Canadian business a force for good. We are delighted that CBSR has joined our constellation and look forward to driving a leading-edge movement of sustainable business leadership on a national scale and beyond.” – Ted Ferguson, President of The Delphi Group
“The Board of CBSR is thrilled to support these two important networks coming together and we are confident that this new era of CBSR will be even more effective in helping Canadian companies become leaders in sustainability.” – Chris Coulter, CBSR Board Chair and CEO of Globescan
“As a long-time corporate member of both the EXCEL Partnership and CBSR, we’re excited about the new partnership and the value it brings in strengthening both organizations’ opportunity and ability to grow sustainability leadership across Canada, and tell a compelling story of Canadian values and commitment to sustainability beyond our borders.” – Jennifer Varey, Director CSR & Community Investment, Enbridge
About GLOBE Series, The Delphi Group, EXCEL Partnership and Leading Change Canada
GLOBE Series, The Delphi Group, EXCEL Partnership and Leading Change are part of a constellation of organizations that work together toward a common purpose: to achieve a sustainable, prosperous and socially just future in a generation. We provide services and platforms that empower business, government and youth to improve performance while accelerating the clean economy.
About CBSR
In 1995, CBSR helped to introduce Canadian businesses to a ground-breaking idea now widely accepted as a compelling truth: that businesses do better – by every measure – when they operate in a socially and environmentally responsible way. For over two decades, we’ve helped Canadian businesses understand those principles and reap the benefits of putting them into action. Initially, acting as guides and teachers, we also developed into convenors, providing safe spaces for businesspeople to freely reveal challenges, share information and work toward building socially responsible companies and a more sustainable future. Most recently, we’ve become champions for the Canadian approach to doing business; we believe our approach has something to offer the world. As we grow, we will continue to support our partners, in our traditional roles and by creating new tools and unique, inclusive opportunities to help Canadian businesses and governments make an enduring and positive contribution to the world.