The GLOBE 2016 Ah-Ha Moments Series: Financing The Future We Need

The Paris Agreement makes it plain: We need to change the world, and fast.

Our cities and communities—and the systems that power, connect, and supply them with essential services—desperately need a 21st-century overhaul.

We’ll need to replace a great deal of existing outdated infrastructure with smart, innovative, intelligent systems. These systems will produce far less carbon and not only anticipate climate-related impacts, but also bounce back from them—and even “learn” from them. Cities will need to accommodate more people, while improving quality of life for residents. And they’ll need to be connected via efficient, comfortable, and clean transportation networks.

How will we finance this transformation? How will investment, industry, and government leaders collaborate? Which jurisdictions are already making it happen?

Those questions lie at the heart of GLOBE Capital 2017—a new leadership event offered by GLOBE Series, coming to Toronto, Canada from April 3-5, 2017.

In anticipation of GLOBE Capital 2017, we placed a special focus on finance and investment at GLOBE 2016. A variety of sessions addressed such subjects as finance innovation for scalable, global technology deployment, green economic development, financial inclusion and fiscal reform, and carbon risk.

Here, a few key observations from a pair of related sessions.

The Carbon Bubble: Managing Financial Risks of Stranded Assets

Carbon Tracker Initiative founder and executive director Mark Campanale speaks while Jackie Forrest, vice president, energy research at ARC Financial, looks on.


Recent science suggests that the lion’s share of fossil reserves must stay in the ground if the earth is to keep below two degrees of warming. How are investors and pension fund managers responding to the potential for stranded assets?


Finance Innovation for Scalable, Global Technology Deployment

David Berliner, co-founder and CEO of crowd financing platform CoPower.


This session explored strategies and solutions that would support a robust financial system for scalable, global technology deployment? What existing and new mechanisms can move large private sector capital from the “crowd”, as well as from large institutional investors like pension funds and sovereign wealth funds, to where it is needed in order to finance commercially viable enterprises and projects?


The Finance Innovation for Scalable, Global Technology Deployment panel. From left to right, Samy Ben-Jaafar, Director, Private Sector Facility, Green Climate Fund, Markus Lampinen, the Founder & CEO of Crowd Valley, David Berliner CEO of CoPower, Roger Wagner, Senior Counsel, Dentons Corporate Group & Managing Director, P80 Group Foundation, Lih-Chyi Wen, Director and Research Fellow, CIER Center for Green Economy & Deputy Director, MOEA Green Trade Project Office.



Here’s complete video recording of the discussion: