The Capital Exchange Innovation Challenge is a platform to support and accelerate clean innovation. By connecting corporations and investors to curated solutions via a reverse pitch process, we provide an opportunity to gain insight into the challenges faced by corporate leaders driving innovation in cleantech and sustainability.
Presenters: Jonathan Moser, Head, Environment and Public Affairs, Canada, LafargeHolcim | Kelly Parker, Environmental Advisor, Husky Energy | Andrea Zabloski, GHG Technology Engineer, Devon Canada for the Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance | Barbara Swartzentruber, Executive Director, Strategy, Innovation, Intergovernmental Relations, City of Guelph | Chris Boivin, Managing Director, Green Municipal Fund, Federation of Canadian Municipalities | Diane Cameron, Director, Nuclear Energy Division, Natural Resources Canada
Moderator: Jessica Butts, Senior Director, The Delphi Group
Vinci Room