The Path to Net Zero: 10×10 Matrix


The path to net zero will require hard work, creativity, and a whole lot of collaboration. To help fuel and shape this collaboration, we have distilled the key takeaways from GLOBE Forum into The Path to Net Zero: 10×10 Matrix, aka the 10 action areas we need to prioritize in the next 10 years to achieve net zero by 2050.

Building on the previous 10×10 reports from our other two Destination Net Zero events, the 10×10 Matrix outlines (1) the key themes and actions needed, and (2) the types of organizations who can make a difference. We hope the 10×10 Matrix will not only inspire action, but also help you to better understand how your actions are connected to and enable others in your ecosystem.

To ensure that the 10×10 Matrix is representative of the issues facing diverse stakeholder groups, we have engaged external contributors including Indigenous Clean Energy and the Leading Change Steering Committee. The 10×10 isn’t exhaustive but, like the conversations at GLOBE Forum, it shines a spotlight on where to focus for maximum impact.

The 10×10 will come to life at GLOBExCHANGE – our next Destination Net Zero event, taking place in Toronto on February 27 – March 1, 2023. GLOBExCHANGE will build on the conversations at GLOBE Forum and use the 10×10 Matrix as a basis for driving meaningful change in pursuit of our net-zero goals.

Zoom-in, click and drag to explore The Path to Net Zero: 10×10 Matrix.
You can click on each box to learn more.

Enabling Conditions

Meaningful Stakeholder Collaboration: This is the theme that came up most frequently in our conversations at GLOBE Forum: Collaborate! Collaborate! Collaborate! Diverse perspectives lead to a diversity of ideas and, because climate change and the road to net zero impacts all stakeholder groups differently, meaningful engagement is critical to ensure no one is left behind. Some of the various opportunities for engagement discussed at GLOBE Forum include collaboration with/between: 

  • Underrepresented populations/groups   
  • Horizontal partnerships   
  • Communities 
  • All sectors of the economy
  • All levels of the supply chain
  • All levels of government
  • Private sector, public sector, and civil society
  • Existing global and industry leaders 

Change Management: Certain sectors are approaching the transition to a net-zero economy with hesitation for a variety of reasons. In light of Canada’s goal to achieve net zero by 2030, how do we support and enable change management in these sectors and groups on such an urgent timeline? All topics and themes identified in the 10×10 Matrix could benefit from an incremental approach that allows organizations to build knowledge over time while meeting net-zero targets. 

Social Purpose: In the economy of the future, organizations that adopt and implement a purpose beyond profit are more likely to embrace innovation, grow their businesses, and contribute to societal goals. Every journey requires direction, and a strong social purpose can be the compass organizations need to build a net-zero, more sustainable future. 

Addressing the Skills Gap: Given the scale and nature of the transition challenge, it is imperative that we use new approaches to equip workers with the skills they need across all sectors. Creative approaches such as micro-credentialing will be essential to connecting the skills needed to training opportunities across all sectors. 

Accelerating Intergenerational Collaboration: Tomorrow’s leaders and decision makers need to be empowered and given the tools to solve the challenges of an increasingly interconnected and complex world. Facilitating intergenerational conversations for the exchange of ideas and perspectives will be an important aspect of ensuring a transition that brings everyone along with it. 

Transparency Statement 

This matrix comprises the main takeaways from GLOBE Forum 2022 speakers, GLOBE Advance sessions, and one-on-one discussions with attendees, as identified by our notetakers. We acknowledge that any process like this will have inherent bias based on the attendees as well as the writers and reviewers of the report.



Thank you to the GLOBE Advance session partners, The Delphi Group’s expert facilitators and notetakers, and reviewers from the Leading Change Steering Committee, and Indigenous Clean Energy, and the ongoing contributions from CBSR, Delphi, and Leading Change throughout the development of the 10×10 Matrix as a whole.

                       CN Railway Logo.            Delphi Group Logo Stacked Horizontally

       Leading Change Logo Stacked Horizontally